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row weeding中文是什么意思

用"row weeding"造句"row weeding"怎么读"row weeding" in a sentence


  • 行上除草


  • Machine vision system used for real - time detection inter - row weeds
  • In this paper we study the method to detect the inter - row weeds in wheat field
  • 5 . the seed fill algorithm in graphics was introduced into the between - rows weed detection to fill the areas connected with the centre of the crop row . in order to gain the faster processing speed , an improved scan - line seed fill algorithm was developed successfully
  • 3 . because of the severe occluding of drilling crop leaves , it was difficult to extract shape and texture feature , so a new approach to detect the between - rows weed was discussed on the basis of the position feature , where crop was regularly sown as a constant row space and most weed were distributed on the bare - soil between crop rows during 3 leaves to 5 leaves seedling stage
    针对小麦等条播作物田间场景中叶片严重交叠致使形状和纹理特征提取困难的问题,利用条播作物3 5叶苗期田间场景中作物成行排列、杂草多数分布于作物行之间的裸土区的特点,研究了位置特征识别行间杂草的方法。
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